Machine People
Earlier this year, as part of the first year of my PhD, I had to make a documentary about something to do with art and technology. A few weeks previously I had visited the National Museum of Computing at Bletchley Park. It's situated in a low, unassuming building at the ...

Synth Gloves
For a class I'm doing as part of my PhD I had to find and hack a piece of "cruft" - some sort of used hardware or physical detritus - and make it do something new and interesting. I have been interested in both wearable technology and performance tools for some time. I found ...

Return Journey to Paris
I have moved to a new flat in London. Behind the flat is a train line, and a few times an hour I am aware of four or five seconds of muffled whoosh - a great metal snake slithering past, its belly full of people to be deposited in other parts of the country. On the other ...